Harmonic Filters
MTE offers an array of harmonic mitigation solutions, including the best THID reduction solution on the market with patented Adaptive Passive Technology, to increase productivity and system efficiency.

Matrix® AP Passive Harmonic Filter
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Product Brochure
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Solutions Catalog
Solution Profiles
Application Profiles
Filter Specs
Installation Guide
Technical Manual
The Key to the Success of Our Harmonic Filter: adapt.
Simply put, our Matrix® AP three-phase filter is the most advanced passive filter on the market today. Most traditional filters work fine at 100% power load, but severely underperform at lower loads. Matrix AP is different, because we know almost no one runs at full load all the time. Its patented Adaptive Passive Technology virtually eliminates harmonic distortion by adapting to varying power loads. It delivers better THID performance, increases energy efficiency, and allows you to meet IEEE-519 requirements. Its unique design generates less heat, and is easy to install and maintain. Plus it is generator compatible.
With Matrix AP Harmonic Filters, power quality, energy efficiency and reduced downtime are easy to achieve. Improve three-phase power quality and reduce downtime with our patented Adaptive Passive Technology.
- Adapts to varying power loads
- Best performance in the industry
- Extends the service life of electrical equipment
- Generator compatible
- Performance guarantee