We offer a family of reactors that enhance productivity by reducing nuisance tripping, lowering harmonic distortion and minimizing long lead effects.

RL Line and Load Reactors
Peace of mind included.
Our RL Line/Load Reactors are best-in class power quality units with a long history of proven performance for lowering harmonics caused by variable frequency drives (VFDs). Rugged and robust, they are unequalled in absorbing power line disturbances that can damage or shut down variable frequency drives (VFDs) and other sensitive equipment. They work on both the line (input) side and load (output) side to give you an easy solution that reduces nuisance tripping, reduces harmonic distortion and minimizes long lead effects.
Related Links:
Should I use an RL or an RLW Reactor?
Product Brochure
Solutions Catalog
Detailed Product Data
Application Notes
Technical Manual
RL Reactor Specification Table
RL Reactor Specs
Reactor %Z impedance derivation
Improved power quality, enhanced productivity and complete peace of mind are easy with RL Line/Load Reactors.
- Best-in-class line/load reactors
- Most robust, highest continuous service factor
- Low watts loss
- Performance and durability that is unmatched by the competition