3-Phase Reactor with Surge Arrestor

Product Overview
MTE RL Line /Load reactors with surge arrestors offer enhanced protection of diodes, transistors, SCRs, thyristors, etc. from dangerous voltage spikes and current surges. They can reduce overall system operating costs by reducing equipment down time and increasing system reliability and efficiency.
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RL Line/Load & MOV combines the benefits of reactor and MOV (metal-oxide varistor) technology to provide enhanced surge/spike protection for variable speed drive/inverter applications.
Use this product on the input side of variable speed controllers to offer protection from power line spikes, voltage transients and even to help reduce the effects of lightning.
RL Line/Load & MOV is factory assembled and pre-wired. Simply connect three incoming and three outgoing conductors, and make connection to ground.
The reactor portion of this network absorbs current surges, while the MOV portion clamps voltage spikes to acceptable levels. They combine to offer the optimum in electronic controller circuit protection. The reactor even helps to extend MOV life by reducing the energy content of spikes prior to reaching the MOV module.
Three phase MOV modules contain high energy rated MOV’s offering protection from the most common transient voltage spikes. Module life is extended due to additional protection offered by reactor.
Typical applications include:
- Adjustable Speed Drives
- SCR Controllers
- Rectifier Circuits
- Machine Tool Controls
- Industrial Controls
- Packaging Equipment
- Printing Presses