microNexus™ Motor Protection Filter

Complete motor protection in
a micro-sized package.
MTE’s microNexus filter takes the proven performance of our award-winning SineWave Nexus and shrinks it down into a space-saving solution that integrates into any micro drive application. The microNexus not only eliminates voltage spikes generated by Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs), and reflective waves that cause motor windings and cables to fail, but it also virtually eliminates common mode voltage which causes motor bearing failures, cable degradation, and VFD faults. By filtering out damaging common mode voltage, motor bearings are never subject to harmful voltages that cause damaging pitting, frosting, or fluting of bearings, all which lead to motor failure.
microNexus eliminates the need for common mode chokes and inductive absorbers that only temporarily extend motor life. Additionally, there’s no need for shaft grounding rings which require ongoing maintenance and replacement. With our microNexus, you have a complete, compact electrical solution for big electrical problems.
Related Links:
5-Year Motor Bearing Warranty Info & Registration
Warranty Brochure
Product Brochure
Solutions Catalog
Filter Specification
Installation Guide
Technical Reference Manual
Protect your motors by reducing common mode and differential mode voltages and currents.
- Compact, space-saving form eliminates additional cable trays, wiring, and panel space within VFD cabinets
- Provisions for mounting VFD to front of filter
- Increases motor life by eliminating failures caused by bearing currents
- Reduces motor noise and heating
- Reduces cable heating
- Allows for multiple cables in the same conduit