Designed for HVAC-R Cooling Applications

Electronically commutated motors (ECMs) emulate VFDs and create harmonics that “pollute” the power supply. These harmonics require mitigation to maintain strong power quality on the electric grid.
MTE’s Matrix Air EC Motor Filter uses a patented design to reduce harmonics and has low insertion losses of less than 5%. Other solutions only offer 7%. It also provides greater stability across the speed ranges which allows each fan to operate at full speed at higher efficiencies.
Every application is unique (type of fans, number of fans, overall load, and controller) so MTE designs a custom solution to meet the requirements for each one. For example, MTE has created 60 Hz and 50 Hz Matrix Air products to meet various specifications.
Matrix Air offers tremendous advantages and benefits when paired with ECMs:

Harmonics Mitigation
- Compliance with IEEE-519 standards
- No fines from utilities
- Lower electric bills
- No tripping of circuit breakers

Over 80% THID Reduction
- Stability of system across any speed/load
- Eliminates transformer derating per ANSI/IEEE C57.110 due to non-linear loads

Up to 30% Energy Savings
- Decreased electrical costs
- Less energy used per unit
- Improved energy efficiency

Matrix Air EC Motor Filters
Our Matrix Air lineup utilizes patented designs to meet the needs of EC motor harmonics. Matrix Air reduces harmonic distortion, provides system stability, and provides low insertion losses of 5%. Contact MTE for the best solution for your requirements.
P: (800) 455-4683
W: https://mtecorp.com/contact-us/
Matrix Air EC Motor Filter Solution Profile
For more details about how we solve harmonics caused by EC motors, download a PDF of our Matrix Air EC Motor Filter Solution Guide.