SineWave Nexus® Filter

The latest in motor protection. From the leaders in motor protection.
MTE’s SineWave Nexus® filter combines the performance of a sinewave filter with our patented common mode protection technology into a single passive device. The SineWave Nexus not only cleans the PWM waveform generated by Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs), it virtually eliminates common mode voltage which causes motor bearing failures. By filtering out the damaging common mode voltage, motor bearings are never subject to those harmful voltages that cause pitting, frosting, or fluting damage that leads to motor failure. Eliminate the need for costly isolation transformers, or shaft grounding rings that require regular maintenance and replacement, with the SineWave Nexus – an electrical solution for an electrical problem.
Related Links:
5-Year Motor Bearing Warranty Info & Registration
Warranty Brochure
Product Brochure
Success Stories
Motor Protection Filters Catalog
Filter Specification
Installation Guide
Technical Reference Manual
The optimal solution for reducing common mode and differential mode voltages and currents.
- Increases motor life
- Eliminates motor failures due to bearing currents
- Reduces motor noise and heating
- Small package solution
- Three-year warranty
Select filters based on the Full Load Amps (FLA) of the motor. If the FLA is greater than the current rating of the filter, use the next larger filter.